South Australia Division
The ALLA (SA Division) represents librarians and information professionals working in courts, universities, government departments and law firms.
ALLA (SA Division) Inc. aims are:
To support and promote the interests and activities of legal information professionals in South Australia
To communicate with Members of the Division to foster a spirit of cooperation among members
To communicate with Members on issues of state and national significance
To represent Members at national level, and to contribute to the activities and assist in achieving the objectives of the National Association.
To support and promote the interests and issues of law libraries, law collections and legal information services in the South Australian community
To promote cooperation with other organisations and societies in South Australia.
To promote the professional development of Members by the further education and training of law librarians, legal information officers and others through the:
organisation of meetings and seminars
publication of information relevant to Members
encouragement of study and research in law and law librarianship