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Northern Territory




Current Northern Territory Legislation Database

  • current consolidated Acts and subordinate legislation

  • Legislation tables

Northern Territory Legislation History Database

  • historical consolidations of Acts and subordinate legislation

Register of Legislation

  • Acts and regulations as enacted (full text available 2005 –)

  • Bills and explanatory statements (full text available 2005 – )

Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory

AustLII – Northern Territory

  • Acts as enacted (1960-78) and regulations as enacted (1961-88)

  • Bills (1998 – ) and explanatory memoranda (2005 – )

  • second reading speeches (1998 – ) 


NT legislation in force


NT legislation - numerical (Since 1995)


NT Legislation - historical consolidations (Since 1995)


Bills (Since 1995) 


EMs (Since 2005)


Second reading speeches (Since 2000)


Case Law


Supreme Court

Magistrates Court Judgments (2002 – )

AustLII – Northern Territory

Tribunals decisions

Coronial inquests

NT Courts Library

  • NT Judgments

  • Justices Appeals

  • Racing Appeals (NT and interstate)


Supreme Court Decisions


For Sentencing Transcript prior to the last 3 months, please send a request with the details to




Northern Territory of Australia Government Gazette


Law Reform


Northern Territory Law Reform Committee


Legal Institutions


Legal Associations 






Other Useful Links




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