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Image by Benjamin Child

ALLA Individual Membership

How to Join

To apply for membership, please read the information below, and then complete and submit the membership application form.

Member Benefits

The Australian Law Librarians' Association (ALLA) is the professional association for those working in the legal information sector.


ALLA members receive access to the members-only areas of the website (including archived podcasts and past conference papers and materials from professional development activities from all member states), free full-text access to the Australian Law Librarian journal, discounted registration for ALLA conferences and other events, and many other benefits.


State and Territory Divisions also provide a range of services to members, including professional development programs, the provision of forums for the exchange of ideas and involvement in the Associations' activities, mentoring programs, regular newsletters and social events.

Member Benefits
How to join

Membership Fees

Membership Prices do not include GST, please add 10%. For any queries, please email the ALLA Memberships Coordinator:

Membership Type



Ordinary Member


(includes $50 Divisional disbursement)

Ordinary Part-time Member


(includes $37.50 Divisional disbursement)

Ordinary Retired Member


(includes $32.50 Divisional disbursement)

Ordinary Student Member*


(includes $32.50 Divisional disbursement)

Commercial Member    


(includes $57.50 Divisional disbursement)

Fees for new memberships between January 1 and June 30 are charged at 50% of full yearly rate. 

*Student members must be studying an approved ALIA librarian or library technician course.  

Overseas Law Librarians

We welcome overseas law librarians and information professionals as ALLA members.  Overseas law librarians and information professionals are also encouraged to join the ANZ Law Librarians discussion list - this is an open list.

Renew membership

Renew Membership

The ALLA membership period is from 1 July to 30 June - expiring at the end of the financial year.


Membership renewal forms are emailed to current members in May each year. Please ensure that your contact details on the Member Directory (accessible through the members' portal) are kept up to date so we are able to contact you. If you are an ALLA member, and have not received your membership renewal by mid-June, please email with your current contact details. 


Renewals for the 2021-2022 financial year will remain at the current rate. Prices exclusive of GST.


  • $100 for full time members

  • $75 for part-time members

  • $65 for retired and student members

  • $115 for commercial members


Membership form

Update Membership Details

For current members wanting to update their details including name, address, or employer please email

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