ALLA eBook Survey (May 2021)
Ebooks have been part of the legal landscape for over 10 years, but they have not become core to our collections until perhaps 2020.
eBooks and Legal Publishers
We know ebooks provide a useful alternative to print, especially if you are separated from your print library.
But they do come with complications.
This survey seeks to understand your areas of concern - the format itself, the access model, pricing, IT issues.
Your contributions will be instrumental in shaping ALLA's submission to vendors on the issue of ebooks.
Submissions closed.​
Please Note - this survey works best on Chrome. Some functions don't work as well on IE / Edge.
Next Steps
We will collate the results from the survey, and share the initial findings on the ALLA website, or directly with you via email if you request this (within the survey itself).
From there we will do the following (the order may depend on the findings)
run a series of sessions to generate further discussion(these may be focus groups for different law library sectors - academic, government & courts, law firms - if sector-specific issues are identified)
contact vendors to discuss initial findings and seek feedback
consult with sister organisations (eg NZLL, ALIA) about a joint response for advocacy
provide a formal submission to legal vendors outlining our concerns as an industry