ALLA 2021 Conference
The organising committee is delighted to announce that the 2021 conference will be held as a virtual conference from Thursday, 23nd September 2021 through to Friday, 24th September 2021.
Given the ever evolving COVID-19 restrictions, the committee have made the decision to change the conference to be offered as an entirely virtual format.
Conference Overview
A biennial event hosted by the Australian Law Librarians’ Association (ALLA), the Conference is the major professional and business development event in the Association’s 2021 calendar.

2021 Conference Speakers and Special Guest
Stephen Gageler AC
Stephen John Gageler was appointed to the High Court in October 2012. At the time of his appointment he was Solicitor-General of Australia. He is a graduate of the Australian National University and has post-graduate qualifications from Harvard University. He was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1989 and was appointed Senior Counsel in 2000. Before his appointment as Solicitor-General in 2008, he practised as a barrister extensively throughout Australia principally in constitutional law, administrative law and commercial law.
Meredith Leigh
Meredith is the acting First Parliamentary Counsel with the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, which is responsible for drafting all principal legislation, all regulations and a range of legislative instruments for the Australian Government. OPC is also responsible for the publication of Commonwealth legislation through the Federal Register of Legislation.
Meredith has 23 years of drafting experience. She has worked extensively with all Departments and many agencies, including in the areas of tax, corporations law, education, and more recently counter-terrorism legislation and electoral legislation.
She is also a member of the inaugural Board of the Australian Government Legal Service which supports a whole-of-government, high quality, consistent and coordinated approach to the delivery of legal services and the management of legal risk across the Commonwealth.
Before joining OPC, Meredith worked for a short period as a corporate lawyer at Allen, Allen and Hemsley.
Dr Virginia Marshall
Dr Virginia Marshall is Wiradjiri Nyemba. She is the Inaugural Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellow at the Australian National University, with the Schools of Regulation & Global Governance & Fenner Environment and Science. Virginia is the leading legal scholar on Indigenous Australian water rights. Recognised by the University of Victoria BC as a Distinguished Woman Scholar. National winner of the AIATSIS WEH Stanner Prize for best Indigenous thesis. Author of the award winning seminal book Overturning Aqua Nullius (2017). Virginia is Principal Solicitor in her law firm practising in native title, Traditional Knowledge protection, water and human rights. She is a member of the Australian National University’s ‘Climate Change Institute’, Human Research Ethics Committee ANU, Water Expert for the World Economic Forum, Executive Board member and human rights adviser to the Indigenous Peoples Organisation (Australia), member of the Advisory Panel for an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow and ‘Water Justice Hub’.
Professor John McMillan AO
John was the Australian Information Commissioner from 2010-15, responsible for administering freedom of information and privacy laws and promoting information policy. He has also held the statutory positions of Commonwealth Ombudsman (2003-10), Integrity Commissioner (Acting) for the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (2007), NSW Ombudsman (Acting) (2015-17), and member of the Australian Copyright Tribunal (2015-18). He is an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University. John was a joint founding member of the Freedom of Information Campaign Committee in the 1970s, which spearheaded the public campaign for FOI legislation in Australia.
The Honourable Chief Justice Helen Murrell, Chief Justice, ACT Supreme Court
On 28 October 2013, Helen Gay Murrell was sworn in as the first female Chief Justice of the Australian Capital Territory.
Her Honour attended the University of New South Wales, graduating in 1977 with a BA/LLB degree. In 1981, her Honour obtained a Diploma of Criminology from the University of Sydney.
Her Honour was admitted as a solicitor in 1977. From 1977 to 1981, her Honour practised at the Commonwealth Crown Solicitor’s Office and NSW Legal Aid Commission. From 1981 to 1996, her Honour was at the NSW Bar, practising in criminal law, administrative law, environmental law, common law, and equity. In 1994, her Honour was appointed the first Environmental Counsel for the NSW Environment Protection Authority. In 1995, her Honour was appointed Senior Counsel in New South Wales.
From 1996 to 2013, her Honour was a Judge of the District Court of New South Wales. In 1996, her Honour was also an Acting Judge in the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales. From 1997 to 1999, her Honour was President of the Equal Opportunity Tribunal of New South Wales and a Deputy President of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales (Equal Opportunity Division). In 1998, her Honour was appointed the first Senior Judge of the Drug Court of New South Wales, a position held until 2003. In 1999, her Honour was a member of the United Nations Expert Working Group on Drug Courts in Vienna. From 2005 to 2013, her Honour was Deputy Chairperson of the New South Wales Medical Tribunal.
Her Honour has a longstanding involvement in judicial education. From 2016 to 2020, her Honour was the Chair of the National Judicial College of Australia (NJCA). Currently, her Honour is Chair of the NJCA Jury Management Program Committee and a member of the Judicial Bias Committee. Her Honour is a life member of the NJCA.
Her Honour is a Committee Member of the Australian Association of Women Judges, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law, Patron of the Hellenic Australian Lawyers Association (ACT Chapter), and Patron of the Justices of the Peace Association (ACT).
Associate Professor Heather Roberts
Dr Heather Roberts is an Associate Professor of Law at the Australia National University. She has honours degrees in law, history and Asian studies, and PhD explored the constitutional jurisprudence of former Justice of the High Court of Australia Sir William Deane. Heather’s research interests lie in property law, constitutional law, and legal and judicial history and biography. She has been recognised nationally and internationally as a leading expert on court ceremony. In her current research, funded by a fellowship from the Australian Research Council, she in examining ceremony in Australian Supreme Courts since 1901. This project explores how history, geography, and stakeholder priorities (be they those of the executive, the legal profession or the judiciary) are recorded as part of court archives, and how they offer a rich narrative of perceptions of the ‘ideal judge’ in Australia.

The Conference Committee is delighted to present the program for the 2018 ALLA Conference.
Presentations from the conference that we have on file have been uploaded. Please see the program below to download the presentations. Any presentations not yet loaded are yet to be received and we will upload them as soon as we receive a copy.
Take a look at the exciting tours, keynotes and papers all presenting diverse perspectives into the global impact and local footprint of our industry and professional environment.
Thursday 23rd September 2021
9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
9:07 AM - 9:27 AM
Her Honour Chief Justice Murrell
Chief Justice
ACT Supreme Court
10:16 AM - 10:46 AM
Steph Simon
Academic Librarian
University of South Australia
Jessica White
Reference Librarian
University of South Australia
Gillian Yeend
Academic Librarian
University Of South Australia

Steph Simon is an Academic Librarian at the University of South Australia. In this role she supports the teaching, learning and research needs of Academic staff, researchers and students of UniSA STEM and UniSA Education Futures. In her previous role Steph supported law academics and students.
Jessica White is a Reference Librarian at the University of South Australia (UniSA). She supports the teaching, learning and research needs of academic staff, researchers, and students within UniSA Business, UniSA Creative and UniSA Justice & Society (Law).
Gillian Yeend is an Academic Librarian at the University of South Australia. She supports the teaching, learning and research needs of academic staff and students within UniSA Business, UniSA Creative and UniSA Justice & Society (Law)

10:46 AM - 11:16 AM
Networking Morning Tea (Thursday)
11:16 AM - 11:46 AM
Sue Ann Yap
Legal Technologist

Sue has worked in the legal publishing industry for over 15 years. With great (almost dogmatic) passion in understanding and pursuing the dialectic of disruptive technology and equitable access to legal information, Sue is a Six Sigma Black Belt practitioner, holds a Masters in International Marketing, a Masters of Sociology with Honours and is currently 7 months away from completing a juris doctor. In her spare time, Sue enjoys challenging the legal publishing status quo and swing dances competitively.
11:48 AM - 12:18 PM
Helen Cluff
Knowledge, Learning And Research Operations
Herbert Smith Freehills

Helen Cluff is the Operations Manager in the global Knowledge, Learning and Research team at HSF and is the president of NSW ALLA.
Helen has worked at HSF since 2008 and has managed the research service in Sydney and London.
• 2012 See Spot Run : eBooks and law firms and presented at ALLA2012 http://alla2012.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/see_spot_run_helen_cluff_alla_2012.pdf
• 2013 Facilitated Knowledge Café on eLearning
• 2014 Knowledge Café Concept at ALLA13, Australian Law Librarian, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (2014), pp. 66-71
• 2014 Co presented with Rebecca Bollen Manalac A collection development policy: one to rule them all https://www.alla.asn.au/news-events/conferences/conference-archive/alla-2014/
• 2016 Co presented Fun with change management: the value of a Global Collection Development Policy in a law firm Helen Cluff & Tina Tse Herbert Smith Freehills BIALL2016
• 2019 Purposeful Collections: Global law firm collection development, Australian Law Librarian. Vol. 27 No. 3 2019 https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?public=true&handle=hein.journals/auslwlib27&div=44&start_page=138&collection=auslwlibcol&set_as_cursor=1&men_tab=srchresults
12:20 PM - 12:50 PM
Monika Zygmuntowicz
Vendor & Subscription Manager
Herbert Smith Freehills

Monika Zygmuntowicz has worked in law firm libraries for the past 20 years and is current Vendor and Subscriptions Manager at Herbert Smith Freehills. She joined the ALLA Board in 2018, and took on the role of Vendor Liaison. As Vendor Liaison, she has made submissions on behalf of ALLA members to Standards Australia on their distribution and licensing policy framework, and LexisNexis on the subject of third party ebook platforms for academic law libraries.
Monika is committed to finding workable solutions for law libraries and vendors, acknowledging that it is a symbiotic relationship.​
12:52 PM - 1:17 PM
Shan Mukerjee
Executive Manager – Core Product
LexisNexis Australia

There’s a lot of buzz about the impact of technology on the law, and a lot of concern about whether AI is going to ‘replace’ lawyers and knowledge professionals. As someone who works on these developments, I can offer both high hopes and a reality check: the promise of AI is both closer and further than you think. Perhaps more importantly, I will challenge not only the idea that lawyers and knowledge managers can be replaced by AI, but the suggestion we are even trying to do that. Instead, the objective for my role in the development of legal AI is to make my own job redundant.
Shan is Executive Manager for Core Product at LexisNexis Australia. She leads cross-functional teams developing innovative features and major enhancements at the nexus of content and technology. Her experience covers a range of areas including: legal analytics, data mining and visualisation; machine learning and AI; content creation, storage and conversion; user experience; and information architecture. Recently, her focus has been on analytics, Al and ML as tools for better interpreting and navigating the multi-dimensional problem space created by the legal and social landscape.
1:17 PM - 1:57 PM
Networking Lunch (Thursday)
1:57 PM - 2:07 PM
James Dawson
Supervisory Editor Capital Monitor
Antoaneta Nina Dimitrova
Product & Content Manager, Capital Monitor
LexisNexis Legal & Professional
James joined LexisNexis Capital Monitor as a Sub-editor in January 2012, and has taken on various editorial roles since then. In this current role as Supervisory Editor, James works in conjunction with the Managing Editor to support Capital Monitor's unique content and subscriber requirements. More specifically, James handles the information monitoring and alerting services aspect, as well as maintaining currency within the Capital Monitor content portfolio.
Antoaneta Nina Dimitrova, Product & Content Manager:
Nina joined LexisNexis as News Manager in 2011, and has, since then, held a number of key publishing, leadership and product management roles for the Capital Monitor and Current Awareness portfolios. Most recently, as Product & Content Manager, Nina worked closely with the LexisNexis Global Technology Teams to upgrade the Capital Monitor user interface & systems, and with Editorial to expand the scope and coverage for the news and information service.
2:09 PM - 2:19 PM
Annette Goodwin
Senior Client Services Librarian
Charles Sturt University Library

Annette Goodwin has worked as a Librarian for over 20 years in a range of library settings, including school and public libraries. Annette commenced with Charles Sturt University Library in 2011, working with Research and Teaching staff and Research students. In 2017, she moved into the role of Law Librarian. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from UNE, a Graduate Diploma in Information Management - Librarianship from UNSW and a Masters of Education – Children’s Literature from USQ.
2:21 PM - 2:37 PM
International Vendor Sponsor Addresses: Bloomsbury, Lucidea and Vlex
Friday 24th September 2021
2:38 PM - 3:38 PM
Topic: ALLA Ltd AGM Time: Sep 23, 2021 02:38 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84726724389 Webinar ID: 847 2672 4389
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Your host, Jay, will be running an interactive live music quiz, including a variety of themed rounds, such as "Kazoozies at the movies", "Gone in the 60's", "Lyric Splice" and more! BYO drink and your sense of humour! Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92150767344?pwd=NFMxL2tzV2RQVUZDYmdIaDJSY1Z4UT09 Meeting ID: 921 5076 7344 Passcode: 819524
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Dr Virginia Marshall
Inaugural Indigenous Postdoctoral Fellow
The Australian National University
9:47 AM - 10:17 AM
Belinda Lawson
Alexander Maconochie Centre

I am a librarian who has worked full-time at Canberra’s prison, the Alexander Maconochie Centre, for over five years. Until last year I was also a part-time librarian at the ANU Law Library for 15 years.
10:17 AM - 10:47 AM
Networking Morning Tea (Friday)
10:47 AM - 11:32 AM
Professor John McMillan AO
Emeritus Professor
Australian National University

Australia was an international leader in enacting a national Freedom of Information Act in 1982, and then in all States and Territories. Soon after, the inherent reluctance of government to be compelled to release documents resurfaced. FOI legislation went through a doldrum period. Momentum built for a new reform phase in 2009-10 that led to a revamp of many FOI laws, the creation of information commissioner offices, and the integration of FOI, privacy and information policy. Other methods of information dissemination also flourished. The internet and online access transformed the opportunities for obtaining government information. Legislative disclosure obligations were imposed on government and industry to support corporate integrity and to inform and reassure consumers and stakeholders. Australia also joined the international Open Government Partnership that requires preparation of a National Open Government Action Plan. An underlying truth is nevertheless unchanged: government preference is to control what is released and when. That truth has perhaps hardened in a political and technological age of ‘message management’. Though we are now awash with public information, the underlying importance of an FOI statute remains. It is the legislative anchor for transparent government. It prescribes minimum rules of disclosure. It provides a legally enforceable mechanism for information access. Reappraising how FOI is working must therefore receive constant attention.
11:34 AM - 11:44 AM
Janina Leuii
Head of Customer Training
Thomson Reuters
Alex Cato
Product Manager - Legal Research
Thomson Reuters

Janina is the Head of Training at Thomson Reuters in the Asia and Emerging Markets region. Her team comprises of legal and tax product and training specialists across the region who are dedicated to supporting customers. Janina is energized by delivering engaging training programs and building digital self-service e-learning assets that meet learning outcomes for customers.
Alex Cato is a Product Manager at Thomson Reuters. Alex’s focus in on content and search across TR legal research platforms in ANZ, Asia and MENA. Alex is passionate about the law library industry serving on the national Board and New South Wales committees as well as a stint as Editor of the Australian Law Librarian.
11:44 AM - 12:19 PM
Networking Lunch (Friday)
2:38 PM - 3:08 PM